dont ask me because i dont remember
I take one look at you and I’d be ready to die
That piercing soft look is suede with punk
The liquor she drinks is flowing through her dark eyes
The Marlboro she puffs is calming her anxieties
I’m the man trying to take her home
Tryna make an honest woman out of her
We argue like the world is burning
And then fuck right after like it’s gonna be the last time
The angels, the devil, can not decide
If hell or heaven is the punishment
As long as we’re both together, we’ll be fine
laughing and kissing
Before I go
Baby, please
Give me one last kiss
with them intoxicating peachy lips
It’ll help me forget that I ever said goodbye
You ask me “have i changed?”
I sit there thinking to myself
How many versions of you I have loved
How many versions of me you have loved
The ebbs and flows got higher than tsunamis and retreated farther than scared soldiers
I fall in love every hour of every day
Then I remember all the damage that’s been done
The holes in a broken heart are filled with pain
a few bottles of vodka and rum
had too much fun and now I’m falling for you
mister can you help me up I think I’ve lost my senses
I’m into a boy that can barely make it through the days
Tell him to stop skipping them for me because I’ve got my eyes on something else