fine print
all I want to do is feel something
without emotion, I feel like I’m in a paralyzing limbo
getting dizzy while the world spins on without me
with its grand illusions of meaning and righteous behavior
While I wait to join it
disturbed water slowly releasing its trapped energy
Young man, you are still learning the cold nature of this world
the ruthlessness people fight with for a manufactured scarcity
an ever-progressing society that doesn’t know its limits
which sweeps you at your feet with its beautiful pleasures packaged for your insecurities and delivered at desperate times
like the very fabric of space being stretched so are the boundaries of what is necessary for modern living
a fundamental society needs community, food and water, art and healing
but that is a fine print in the contract of a modern existence
anything like the present is noise that corrupts an artist and turns him into a tool for never-ending progress
it is a basic human trait to always have something to work on
but capitalism acts as rocket fuel that separates the soul from the body of a man
becoming a shell of a man
people have been facing the same fundamental problems; relating to the same finite human emotions; to varying weights, in all of our history
the primal tenets of love, money, and sex are variables of the whole matrix when everything is simplified
the noise has gotten to me recently and I have been unable to filter it
my unreleased pieces are evidence of this corruption within
but slowly as I age,
I start to understand my defaults
the ones which can run in the dark
and the ones which manufacture the fear of darkness
“” Young man you can’t not suddenly return to your purity after being corrupted
you have to earn it back, pay back all the phoniness by analyzing and documenting every commit
only then can you rollback to a version that you like and build up again “”